
09/04/2024 - 7:30am
Along with 2024 Fall Fest, residents can get an early start on the autumn fun with a scarecrow contest. There is no fee to enter in the contest with stakes available to claim beginning Monday, Sept. 9 south of the square. Setting up can take place...


06/20/2023 - 9:40am
Iowans are eager to affirm that life is a human right. To that end, the Iowa Legislature passed a fetal heartbeat law five years ago, protecting unborn lives after a fetal heartbeat is detected. And for the past several years, Iowans across the...


Celebration was the order of the night as the Lady Titans are jubilant on the court and students in the background cheer on the girls for a triumphant start to the season.
09/03/2024 - 7:30am
Hosting Ridge View, the South Central Calhoun girls went 3-0 in a triumphant season opener. Ranked #15, the Lady Titans got the season going on a strong note, up 25-17 and then going 25-19 in the next two for a solid win. Brenna McAlister had 11...


08/01/2024 - 9:34am
Burl Olmstead, 91, of Yakima, Washington, died July 23, 2024.  He was born in Lake City, Aug. 2 1932. Burl was an avid reader, and excellent chess player and held a dry and sarcastic wit that he leveled upon anyone. From a young age, he delivered...

The Graphic-Advocate

The Graphic-Advocate 
121 North Center St.
Lake City, IA 51449
Phone: (641) 456-2585

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