SCC High School unveils final plans for graduation

SCC High School will plan to have its commencement ceremony at 1:30 p.m. on May 31. [Tyler Anderson/The Graphic-Advocate]
Over the past few weeks, the South Central Calhoun High School Principal Randy Martin and senior sponsors have been busy formulating plans to make its commencement ceremony a reality for the Class of 2020. On Tuesday, the final plans have been made.
After weighing on having commencement at the Downtown Square in Lake City or personally delivering diplomas to graduates, the commencement ceremony will be held at 1:30 p.m. on May 31 at the SCC High School Gymnasium in Lake City.
Before announcing its plans for commencement, SCC High School had consulted with Calhoun County Public Health. The timeline of the ceremony is set after Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds' proclamation expires on May 27.
The following is provided by Martin and SCC High School.
Graduation Regulations:
A) All parents and seniors are asked to wear a mask or face covering that would be appropriate for the graduation ceremony.
B) Each senior is limited to only their parents attending the ceremony.
C) The parents and senior will have marked seating areas in the gym.
D) Please follow all directions by school staff so we may maintain safe social distancing before, during, and after the ceremony.
E) Graduation ceremony will be streamed on Facebook Live on the day of the ceremony.
A) Parents and graduate need to be at the high school by 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 31.
B) Enter the school through the main gym doors
C) Parents go directly to the gym and find their marked seats and sit down
D) Graduate go directly to the auditorium and sit in their marked seat. Graduates are instructed to bring only their cap and gown to the auditorium, since they will not be able to go back to retrieve other items after the ceremony.
E) Silver Cords, Gold Cords, FFA Cords, NHS Sashes, etc. will be on the graduate when they put on their gowns in the auditorium
F) Tassels will be on the left side of the mortar board.
G) At 1:15 p.m., seniors will be directed to go to the gym and follow all directions. Therefore, proper social distancing may be maintained.
H) Mr. Martin will give directions on the graduation procedures. The school will then use these procedures to make the ceremony as safe as possible for everyone in the gym.
Entering the gym
A) All seniors will slowly enter the gym through the east doors and go directly to their marked seating area and sit next to their parents (walk in a slow manner, enjoy the day).
B) When entering the gym, maintain a safe, six foot distance from all people in the gym.
C) Administration and Board will be on the gym stage.
A) Mr. Martin will present Samantha Fister (2020 Class President) to welcome the crowd.
B) Fister will be directed by a SCC Staff Member when to walk to the stage.
C) Fister will use the south steps to the stage and when done with her welcome depart down the north steps.
Class Song
A) Ms. Morton will perform a special song dedicated to the senior class.
Introduction of student speakers
A) The graduation speakers will be directed by a SCC Staff Member when to walk to the stage.
B) Speakers will use the south steps to access the stage and exit down the west steps.
C) Order of Speakers are Allison Morenz and Megan Decker.
Presentation of awards
A) Mr. Martin will read the names of Silver Cords, Gold Cords and National Honor Society sashes.
B) As the student's name is read, they will rise and remain standing until all silver, gold or NHS students have been recognized. Sit down after applause.
C) Bernie Saggau Award will be presented by Mr. Schaefer.
Presentation of class
A) Graduates and their parents will be directed by a SCC Staff Member when to walk to the stage.
B) Graduates and their parents will access the stage from the south stairs and exit down the north stairs.
C) On the stage, the graduate and their parents will approach the diploma table and the parents will present the diploma to their child.
D) After the diploma is presented, the graduate and their parents will move to the table with the flowers and the graduate will present a flower to their parent.
E) When the graduate and their parents reach the gym lobby, a professional photograph will be taken of the graduate and then, one of the family and graduate. These will be posted in an online gallery for families to download and print as they choose.
F) After the photograph is taken, the graduate and their parents will return to the gym and follow the direction of a SCC staff member on how to return to their marked seat.
G) When all graduates have been presented their diploma and returned to their seats, Mr. Martin will ask all graduates to stand. At this point, the graduates will be directed to move their tassel to the right side of their mortar board indicating they are graduates of SCC.
H) Mr. Martin will then present the graduates to the crowd. Seniors may turn around and acknowledge the crowd.
I) A SCC staff member will dismiss all rows one at a time. Please follow the direction of the staff to ensure proper spacing to keep everyone safe.
After ceremony
A) Return NHS sashes to Ms. Morton.
B) Keep track of your diploma, because the school does not have a copy of this important document.
The Graphic-Advocate
The Graphic-Advocate
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