PSA: Stay safe when tornados strike

Mid-Iowa Insurance Inc. of Lake City provided some helpful tips when dealing with tornados. [File photo]
Despite meteorologists’ best efforts to predict tornados, they can strike with little warning. Tornados can occur any time of the year, day or night, though they happen more frequently in early spring to July.
They usually form in late afternoons or early evening. Prepare a plan with all family and identify a safe place in your home where everyone (including pets) will gather during a tornado.
Have an emergency kit including water, non-perishable food and medication. Take a cell phone and keep a list of important information including telephone numbers of family and friends.
Make sure your children know what makes a “safe shelter,” whether at home or school.
The National Weather Service issues tornado watches and tornado warnings. It is critical for children to know the differences between a Watch and a Warning!
A tornado WATCH means that a tornado is possible. A tornado WARNING means a tornado has actually been spotted or will occur soon. GO TO YOUR SAFE SHELTER IMMEDIATELY.
This message is brought to you by Mid-Iowa Insurance, Inc. of Lake City.
The Graphic-Advocate
The Graphic-Advocate
121 North Center St.
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Phone: (641) 456-2585
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