LIGER’S DEN: Violence, speed and a whole lot of momentum

Meet Dr. Disrespect – otherwise known as the 1993-1994 Blockbuster Video Game Champion, the Two-Time, or the Six-Foot Eight Gaming Great. [Photo courtesy of Dr. Disrespect]
This is rare for me. Admittedly, I don’t write anymore than I have to.
I’ve had some column ideas swirling around in my head for a while now, and I want to get them out of the way. All before I crawl back beneath my rock.
Two weeks ago, I shared thoughts on the MLB at Field of Dreams game, followed by CM Punk’s return to professional wrestling. The latter ended with a cliffhanger, gauging you on if bringing pro wrestling to Calhoun County (either Rockwell City or Lake City) would be something to pursue in the near future.
The reason why I’ve been wanting to get back into column writing a little bit, is for you – the reader – to get to know me a little bit better.
This time, I’m going to a whole ‘nother level.
I want to talk about a man also known as “The Two Time,” “The 1993-1994 Blockbuster Video Game Champion,” the “Six-Foot Eight Gaming Great” or simply, “Doc.”
For those who know (or don’t know), I’m talking about Dr. Disrespect. To describe Dr. Disrespect in 20 words or less is impossible, but I’ll do my best here.
Doc is a video game streamer, with 3.45 million subscribers on YouTube.
Dripping from head to tippy toe, Doc rocks a mullet (dubbed “The Black Steel”), sunglasses (the Google prototype scopes with built-in LCD, LED with 1080p and 3D Sony technology), tactical vest and his signature mustache, affectionately known as “Slick Daddy” also known as “The Poisonous Ethiopian Caterpillar.”
I’ll let you read that twice.
When The Two-Time streams, he brings in anywhere from 15,000 to 40,000 viewers – with most streams scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. His broadcasts would usually last anywhere from two to seven hours.
While he’s not playing video games, Doc drives around his Lamborghini Diablo VT, steps into various parts of “The Arena” and constantly interacts with members of the Champions Club, his devoted fanbase.
His personality is mostly cold-blooded, sharp and over the top. When it comes to his fans, he cares for them, as if Doc is a shepherd tending to his herd.
Since starting in 2010, Doc was named the 2017 and 2019 Streamer of the Year by Esports Industry Awards. Doc was also given the 2017 Trending Gamer award from The Game Awards.
In his 11 years dominating the video game realm, The Two-Time has built up a world around him, with characters ranging from RoboDoc (his robotic doppelganger) to Mrs. Assassin (his wife) and BabyAssassin (his daughter).
He’s known for playing multiple “battle royale” games, from “Fortnite” and “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)” to “Call of Duty: Warzone” and “Apex Legends.” These days, Doc sticks to the latter three, despite calling Warzone a game for “toddlers and 85-year old men.”
Over the years, he has played alongside the likes of Odell Beckham Jr. of the Cleveland Browns, PewDiePie (one of the most popular names in YouTube), Shroud, TimTheTatman, DrLupo, StoneMountain64 and CouRageJD.
Lately, he and Zack “ZLaner” Lane have shared a lot of playing and streaming time with one another, even forming a team named “Dripping in Heat.”
See, I can’t describe The Two-Time in 20 words or less.
Forgive me if I’m about to ruin the illusion for you, but Dr. Disrespect is not unlike a professional wrestler or a character from an action movie in the late 80s and early 90s.
The man behind the Doc is Herschel “Guy” Beahm IV, who currently resides in Encinitas, California, which is located 25 miles north of San Diego. He’s also married and has a daughter.
Beahm is six foot, eight inches tall, and had a solid career playing NCAA Division II basketball at California State Polytechnic University, located in Pomona.
Beahm was a former community manager and level designer for Sledgehammer Games, known for producing the Call of Duty series. During his time at Sledgehammer, he helped create multiplayer maps for “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.”
In 2015, Beahm moved on to stream full-time. His popularity grew, leading to sponsorships with Gillette, Asus, Roccat and Mountain Dew Game Fuel.
He’s known for getting permanently banned from Twitch in June of 2020, with no specific details as to why Beahm was embargoed. However, Beahm brought Doc back to YouTube on August 7, 2020, after taking a 42-day hiatus from streaming.
This past March, Beahm released a book titled “Violence. Speed. Momentum.” The title is based on Doc’s catchphrase.
There’s also his three singles – “Alleyways,” “Red Skies” and “Eclipse.” He’s also done a cover of the old school Gillette theme song, originally titled “The Best” by John Parr.
On August 23, Doc revealed that he had known why he had been banned “for months” with intentions to “sue the (expletive) out of (Twitch)” for damages.
Currently, Doc is pulling together game developers and artists for a vertically-based battle royale video game.
Personally, I stumbled onto Doc after watching a YouTube video of his ban from the purple platform. After catching one of his streams last August, I was hooked.
Doc is a character crafted from the time that I’m nostalgic for, much like Dutch (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) from “Predator,” John McClane (Bruce Willis) from the “Die Hard” series or Sylvester Stallone’s portrayal of John Rambo.
In all, Doc is a throwback to when big, beefy dudes racked up body counts equal to the population of Monaco and looked good when walking away from humongous explosions.
He also speaks constantly of an era of shady characters and darkened video game arcades with classics such as “NBA Jam,” “Mortal Kombat,” “Time Crisis” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time.” The last one is my all-time favorite video game, by the way.
So, it’s a manly man thing. He’s also hilarious and has made me guffaw on many occasions.
Plus, I like the designs formulated for his merchandise (it actually helped inspire this year’s football graphics and posters) and Roccat does make some pretty awesome mice, headsets and keyboards (I have the Elo Air headset, Vulcan 122 keyboard, the Burst Pro mouse and Kain 200 wireless mouse).
I also appreciate the work that Beahm has put into the character, as well as the tedious effort that goes into creating the backgrounds for “The Arena,” the “gas station” and the Diablo VT.
The realm of Dr. Disrespect is one of creative world building filled with futuristic vehicles (I personally love the Doc Chopper) and dark alleyways. His book, mentioned a few paragraphs ago, fleshes out the backstory and lore behind the Two-Time.
I have a signed copy, plus a poster, a small figurine and the special cassette tape that he released for Mountain Dew Game Fuel. Yes, I’m a Champions Club member, through and through.
Seriously, catch a stream sometime…just to look at the graphics package that Doc has put together on a continuous basis. It’s immaculate for a streamer.
If you don’t have the time to watch his stream, his highlight reels are a splendid mixture of comedy and fantastic (or sometimes hilarious) gameplay.
Sure, Doc can be a little not safe for work, but it comes with the territory of being on the internet. He’s an edgy character, yet he’s popular with the kids.
Overall, everybody has their own hobby or vice to pass the time. One of my hobbies is watching the latest antics from the Doc, as he always has something up his sleeve – be it a new song, a promotion or a huge project.
Until next time…grab yourself a Mountain Dew Game Fuel, grow your own Black Steel or Poisonous Ethiopian Caterpillar, and embrace the VSM.
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