Mask mandate issued for Lake City Public Library
Lake City Mayor Tyler Holm made a proclamation on Sept. 9, placing a face mask mandate for the Lake City Public Library. However, the library will maintain its current public services, curbside pickup and delivery, until the county's COVID-19 positivity rate is below 10 percent. [Tyler Anderson/The Graphic-Advocate]
When the Lake City Public Library reopens, employees and visitors will be mandated to wear face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19.
In a proclamation made by Lake City Mayor Tyler Holm on Sept. 9, those entering the library will be required to wear face masks and social distance. At the latest City of Lake City Council meeting, held on Sept. 8 at the Council Chambers of City Hall, the council approved of the mask mandate for the library.
During the one hour, 40 minute meeting, the Lake City council also approved two resolutions, granted four permits and tabled one permit.
Following the approval of the agenda, previous meeting’s minutes, claims and reports, the council addressed and approved Resolution 2020-24 – request for tax abatement for a home off of East Pennsylvania Street. The resolution is for a brand new house that has sat in its present location for three years.
The council then approved Resolution 2020-25, which was a request for the tax abatement for a property located off of the 200-block of North Central Avenue.
Two building permits, a fence permit for a property located off of the 200-block of South Hancock Street and a sign permit for a property located off of the 300-block of South Hancock Street were given the proverbial thumbs up from the council.
The two building permits were for a proposed deck and an addition. The deck permit was for a property located off of the 300-block of County Road N37 and the permit for the addition was for a property located off of 200-block of Sixth Street.
A building permit for a shed, located off of the 400-block of South Michigan Street, was tabled until the owner provides proof of ownership.
City Administrator Eric Wood provided updates to the council, which included the Mask Proclamation for the Lake City Public Library from Mayor Tyler Holm. The council unanimously approved of the proclamation.
Even though the City of Lake City has made face masks mandatory in the library, the building will keep its doors closed.
However, the library will keep its proverbial eyes open for a drop in COVID-19 positivity rates, set by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
According to Lake City Library Director Michele Deluhery, the library will still offer curbside and delivery services, and will reassess the COVID-19 situation every two weeks in regards to reopening its doors. Its current threshold is a 10 percent positivity rate within Calhoun County.
Once the positivity rate is below 10 percent, Deluhery said, the library would start preparations for reopening the building on an appointment only basis. This is similiar to the recent reopening process made by Calhoun County in regards to the Calhoun County Courthouse and other county offices.
At the time of the library board's decision, made last Tuesday evening, the positivity rate was at 10.2 percent. As of press time, the positivity rate is at 8.3 percent. Deluhery also stated that the library would continue its curbside pickup and delivery services, even with a drop in the positivity rate and the full reopening of the library.
Wood then brought up Preliminary Audit findings, before the council went into closed session. The closed session’s purpose was “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring performance or discharge is being considered, and when necessary to prevent needless an irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation,” according to Section 21.5 of the Code of Iowa.
The closed session lasted for 34 minutes.
When the council returned to open session, an approval was given to advertise for two full-time officers for the Lake City Police Department and to contact surrounding towns for help in police coverage.
Before adjourning, a committee – consisting of Holm, Wood, council member Gary Bellinghausen and council member Doug Filmer – was formed to interview candidates for the open positions and to make recommendations to the council.
The next council meeting will take place at 6 p.m. at the Council Chambers of City Hall.
The full proclamation is stated below:
WHEREAS, one of the greatest responsibilities of any elected official is the protection of he electorate served and the protection of the greater public health and safety; and
WHERAS, COVID 19 poses a serious and potentially deadly threat to the public and public health. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) have recommended several mitigation procedures to help slow the pandemic; and
I hereby proclaim that masks shall be worn by all employees and visitors until further notice in the Lake City Library.
Proclaimed this 8th day of September, 2020
Tyler Holm, Mayor
The Graphic-Advocate
The Graphic-Advocate
121 North Center St.
Lake City, IA 51449
Phone: (641) 456-2585
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